Sunday, August 21, 2011

Little Quack has Started to Swim

Sorry for the long absence.  It has been a busy summer in the Bohan household.  Jacob played baseball and had a blast.  He has the stance down when standing on base.  I have to commend the coaches - Misters Shipman, Munn, and Siemers - they were so patient with all of the kids and taught them a lot about team sports, supporting each other, and congratulating the opponent on a game well played.  The end of July found us getting ready for school - buying clothes, supplies, and the appropriate lunch box.  Sorry Batman - Jacob is sporting Spiderman this year both on his backpack and lunch box.  And then on August 16 - our little quack began his school career at St. Lawrence.

Little Quack is a book that was Jacob's favorite when he was a "toddler" in his words.  It's a story about a Mama duck who is teaching her five little ducklings (Piddle, Puddle, Widdle, Waddle, and Little Quack) to swim in the pond.  They are all hesitant at first, but eventually ease into the water and exclaim at how fun it is to swim.  Little Quack is the last to enter the pond behind all of his brothers and sisters.  I was excited for Jacob to start school as it would be a new experience and he would expand his group of friends.  I also did not think I cry when Jeff and I took him to school on Tuesday - I had already been through the separation phase since I had been taking him to daycare for the past 3 years, but I was wrong.  In the early morning hours on Tuesday, I got to thinking about Jacob starting Kindergarten and I realized something.  Kindergarten is just the first little push out of the nest that parents give their children.  They are like baby birds learning to fly or baby ducklings learning to swim.  It is the first step towards becoming their own little people and experiencing a small taste of independence without Mom and Dad hovering over their every move.  And every year, the flying and swimming lessons get broader in scope until they are soaring on their own.

So here is to our Little Quack - may you always have sunny skies and smooth waters throughout your life.  And when the storms, strong winds, and rolling waves come your way, hopefully we have provided you with the tools and perseverance to navigate your way to fair winds and following seas.  Until then, learn to fly, swim, and dream and enjoy all that life has to offer you from the safety of our nest.

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